Redefining Thanksgiving

I believe Thanksgiving is a wonderful opportunity built into the American culture to practise what has been done for us and what will be done for us.

When Life Becomes Messy

Building relationships with people means entering that messiness with them. Although the Table is a place for friends to celebrate, it’s also a place for friends to grieve together.

How to Make Simple Spanish Paella

I cannot speak more highly of this culture-in-a-meal. The natural foods and beautiful colours from Spain truly look like a fiesta, and the large skillet it’s made in brings the whole Table together as a family!

How I’ve Taught My Kids about Health and Nutrition

When we make physical fitness fun and when we do it without treating it like it’s an obligation, kids join in the fun. Their tiny muscles begin growing as well as their endurance and they get to experience a whole new world as a result.

How to Make Real Friends at The Table

The Table is a tool to bring people together and to share in God’s grace. I will not look back at my life and wish I had been busier.  I will look back and wish I had spent more time with people.

How I Made A Difference

Nothing great in life comes by accident.  They are intentional choices and they require hard work, patience, and consistency.